How to Remove Hyperpigmentation and Freckles
Released on: July 20, 2008, 8:17 am
Press Release Author: SpotRemoving has a passion for skin care, especially removing black spots in skin, removing hyperpigmentation, removing nipple dark pigments and resuming pink lips. After Author's friend who is suffered from hyperpigmentation for years, Author offers a lot of information about skin care by break down hyperpigmentation in 28 days tips. In
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: How to remove hyperpigmentation? Before asking How to remove hyperpigmentation, we need to understand the reason of hyperpigmentation.
Freckles, medically called ephelides, develop in fair-skinned individuals as a result of sun exposure. This is the skin's protective measure against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light.
Identify the areas involved, the sequence of pigmentation and the extent of involvement. If you can identify a source, such as over sun exposure or ingestion of a medication, do your best to decrease or eliminate that source. In addition, a safer and much more affordable alternative like skin hyperpigmentation cream.
Press Release Body: Before asking How to remove hyperpigmentation, we need to understand the reason of hyperpigmentation. Skin color is influenced by a person's genetic heritage as well as environmental factors. It is determined by the amount of pigment or melanin that is produced in the skin. The cells manufacturing this pigment are called melanocytes. These cells are found throughout the upper layers of the skin. Natural pigment is nature's way of protecting the skin from ultraviolet light. A suntan is actually sun damage and does not provide sun protection. Uneven pigmentation of the skin may be a natural occurrence or related to ultraviolet light, infection, hormones, drugs, acne or topical chemicals applied to the skin. There are also skin diseases and genetic abnormalities that can cause hyperpigmentation. Common causes of hyperpigmentation include sunspots, freckles, "acne spots" and melasma (pregnancy mask). Melasma is a common condition seen in women, related to hormones (estrogen) and sun exposure. This condition is frequently exacerbated during pregnancy, at menopause, and with the use of oral contraceptives. The skin darkens in patches of tan to brown, primarily on the sun-exposed areas such as the face, neck and arms. Most sun exposure throughout the day is brief but cumulative. Consequently, brief exposures without sunscreen can cause dramatic changes in skin pigmentation. Sunspots, medically called lentigos, and commonly referred to as liver spots, are a product of sun exposure. This exposure is cumulative and not directly related to sunburn on a specific day. Sunspots result from the increased production of melanin as a consequence of long -standing sun exposure. The most common areas involved are the face, neck, upper chest and arms. Freckles, medically called ephelides, develop in fair-skinned individuals as a result of sun exposure. This is the skin's protective measure against the harmful effects of ultraviolet light. Freckles are predominantly seen on sun-exposed surfaces and will fade when the skin is protected from ultraviolet light. Medications are a frequent cause of sudden skin pigmentation. Most of the pigmentation is seen in sun-exposed areas suggesting an interaction between ultraviolet light and the ingested medication. Some known medications that can cause skin pigmentation include anti-malarial medications, anti-seizure medications, and minocycline. Ingestion of metal preparations that contain mercury, silver, bismuth, arsenic, lead or gold can also contribute to hyperpigmentation. Most of the time, a relationship is established between drug ingestion and darkening or irritation of the skin. Finally, post-inflammatory skin darkening is a common occurrence after irritation or injury to the skin. It is more prominent in dark-skin, however, it is also seen in lighter-skin individuals. After irritation or injury to the skin, the pigment cells (melanocytes) deposit pigment in both the upper and lower layers of the skin. This is a condition that usually clears with time, although it can last for months to years. Immediate treatment is important, as this will help determine the outcome and ultimate appearance of the area.
Recommendations: First, identify the areas involved, the sequence of pigmentation and the extent of involvement. If you can identify a source, such as over sun exposure or ingestion of a medication, do your best to decrease or eliminate that source. In addition, a safer and much more affordable alternative to dermabrasion, laser treatment and chemical peels is by using a product that can be applied at home. An example of this type of product is synergy skin care series Hyperpigmentation Cream and Hyperpigmentation Fluids (Spot Removal Energy Treatment Pack).
About the Author: SpotRemoving has a passion for skin care, especially removing black spots in skin, removing hyperpigmentation, removing nipple dark pigments and resuming pink lips. After Author's friend who is suffered from hyperpigmentation for years, Author offers a lot of information about skin care by break down hyperpigmentation in 28 days tips. In
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Contact Details: SpotRemoving has a passion for skin care, especially removing black spots in skin, removing hyperpigmentation, removing nipple dark pigments and resuming pink lips. After Author's friend who is suffered from hyperpigmentation for years, Author offers a lot of information about skin care by break down hyperpigmentation in 28 days tips. In
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